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CRPP Precision MS

CRPP "Implementing Precision Medicine in Multiple Sclerosis"

We welcome you to the new Clinical Research Priority Program PrecisionMS, which has started on January 2019. Our network consists of 7 groups from University Hospital and University of Zurich and 2 associated groups from the ETH Zurich.

people 2019

Grid containing content elements

Aims of the CRPP PrecisionMS

1. To develop individual disease/risk profiles and markers for specific pathomechanisms that can be used for clinical follow-up, treatment decisions and as measures for innovative clinical trials.


2. To apply these measures in the routine clinical setting to guide patient care as well as for testing novel treatments.


Nims seminar series

Wednesdays, 12:00

Announcements of the next talks and speakers can be found here



If you have question, suggestions or comments, please contact us:

Coordination: Karolin Léger


CRPP PrecisionMS

Frauenklinikstr. 26

8091 Zürich

+41 44 255 21 01

Weiterführende Informationen



New Publication - Group Martin/Sospedra

25.11.2020 - Wang et al.  in Cell

"HLA-DR15 Molecules Jointly Shape an Autoreactive T Cell Repertoire in Multiple Sclerosis"


New publication - Group Held 

Published May 2020 - cooperation of group Held, Lutterotti and Schippling:

"Prognostic models for predicting clinical disease progression, worsening and activity in people with multiple sclerosis"

Pfizer price to Ivan Jelcic

After receiving the Pfizer price in 2017, we are happy to announce that the senior postdoc of Prof. Martin, Dr. Ivan Jelcic  has received the prize again in 2020. Together with his collaboration partner Faiez Al-Nimer (Karolinska Institut Stockholm, Sweden)  he received the price for his work on B and T cell homeostasis in Multiple Sclerosis.

More information can be found here


ZNZ Newsletter: Multiple Sclerosis' Heterogeneity

Article on the activities of our CRPP PrecisionMS


SWISS OphthAWARD to P. Manogaran and C. Walker (Schippling group)

We congratulate Praveena and Christine for winning the SWISS OphthAWARD Jury's choice. More information can be found here.


3rd broadcast on stem cell transplantation in MS

On September 16th, the SRF1 broadcasted a new episode about autologous hematopoetic stem cell transplantation (aHSCT) in MS.

More information and the broadcast can be found here


New CRPP has started...

After a successful meeting, we have started to foster collaborations among our network. Please find here our organigram and details on our projects running.